

Pumpkin Spice Psychic Energy - Despite the title, it is a serious introspective writing about the possibility of me being a psi vampire
Draconity Reawakened - About reawakening as a dragon, early childhood experiences that may be connected to it and the semi-dormant period that finally ended fully in the Summer of 2023
Being Felinehearted - A bit of a ramble on being almost-a-cat


Found Carcosa - A brief summary of dæmonism but mostly about my dæmon & her forms


Energy Reading Comparisons - Comparing two different energy readings with some similarities and some differences.


The Sticks: Revisiting the Album by Mother Mother - An anti-civ, anti-capitalist (how redundant) anarchist writing about zoo psychosis in humans, all brought about by listening to Mother Mother's album "The Sticks"

Creative Writings

The Dog & The Lamb - 2/3/2 English haiku inspired by my partner (Lamb) and myself (Dog, obviously)
The Hound - 2/3/2 English haiku about a hound in action

Writings by Others

THERIANARCHY: A ZINE by Digital Freegan - A lovely anarchist take on therianthropy.
