Energy Reading Comparisons

Written: August 13, 2023

I recently got an energy reading this year from Void Acolyte on July 23, 2023 and prior to that, in 2021, I got a reading from crystalwitch-in-the-tardis. I am just now writing this up as I have the idea to. My spirituality & magick section needs some writings. Keep in mind these were by two different readers without context beyond an image of my hand.

So, the reading by crystalwitch said that I have void energy (though stagnant), water & nature energy in my signature. She found fae & cosmic energy & with those, “starseed” past life energy. She could tell me that my energy colors were red & smokey grey in color & heavy. She didn’t pick up any fire or draconic energy.

The reading by Void Acolyte said that I have draconic, void, nature and fire (solar strain, I believe is what was implied) energy. They didn’t go into past lives. They told me that, color-wise, my energy was….drum roll…red & dark grey in color & heavy. My inner & outer layers are potentially acidic was another thing mentioned.

Between the two, I am more inclined to agree with VA’s analysis. I don’t think crystalwitch’s was entirely wrong, it wasn’t. Two different readers did pick up on some similar qualities. I do think that there was an incompatibility there that made crystalwitch’s analysis more inaccurate than not. Most of this shows that energy is objective in nature!

I do want to mention that this was the third time someone has pointed out draconic energy in me. All 3 times someone pointed it out, they had no context of me having a dragon theriotype. They had nothing to link me to dragons in any way. Just straight up no context. This has made me start to wonder if my draconity is more spiritual than psychological as I would normally default to for nonhumanity explanations.

This is really all I have to say. If you feel like you may have a darker energetic signature or contains darker elements like mine does, I’d definitely recommend Void Acolyte over crystalwitch. I can’t pinpoint the incompatibility I think caused crystalwitch’s analysis to be mostly off but if you feel you’re lighter energetically, you may have better luck with her.
